Here are some facts that you may or may not know!
-863 animals die every second
-Pigs are smarter than dogs and three year old children
-Piglets are torn away from their mother at just three weeks old
-Once the piglet is ready for slaughter, usually at about 5 months old, their food will be withdrawn leaving them feeling weak, lethargic and cold.
-Vegans live an average 6-10 years longer than a meat eater
-A meat eaters risk of developing heart disease is 50% higher than a veg{etari}ans
-Animals are fed drugs so they can grow bigger
-In every package of chickens there’s a little bit of poop
-They flavor McDonalds french fries with meat juice
-Animals like cows are kept in dark, filthy rooms then they are taken in a metal truck, which usually makes the cows sick, and then they are killed in the slaughterhouse consciously.
-Birds and chickens are kept in small cages. The great majority of all "layers" are kept in battery cages. Usually 5 hens have to share a cage measuring 18 by 20 inches.
-They are also de-beaked with a hot blade so they don’t peck the other animals to death
-Cows have their horns sliced off; they are branded, which causes excruciating third-degree burns; and males are castrated. This is all done without any painkillers.
-When cows are done making milk they are killed
-Pigs-farmers cut off a pigs tail so the other pigs tail don’t bite it off due to the fact of the small space
-When chickens are done laying eggs they are also suffocated in plastic bags
-Male chickens are gassed, suffocated in a bag, or ground up alive because they don’t lay eggs when they grow up.
-Eating one hamburger uses enough energy to drive a small car 20 miles and take 17 showers
-More than half of the water consumed in the U.S. is used to raise livestock
-Cows are excellent mothers
-Sheep can recognize other sheep’s faces and human faces as well
-Goats are very curious and playful, have individual personalities and capable of great affection and loyalty
-Goat’s intelligence is comparable to that of pigs and dogs
-If you give an apple or a small ball to a group of turkeys they'll play with it
-Fish grow underwater algae gardens
-Hens and their babies communicate even while the chick is still in the egg
-A cow must be pregnant in order to give milk... they are artificially inseminated and confined in one stall where they have to stand in their own urine and feces
-Cows are separated from their moms within 24 hours of birth
-To get milk out of cows farmers use electrical machines and usually the cows bleed and pus comes out so that’s usually that’s what your drinking
-The U.S has the highest upper limit of milk pus concentration in the world
-Mad cow disease is in the United States
-Fishing hurts. Imagine a hook is stuck through your lips and you are being pulled up rapidly.... Pain right?
-Raising animals for food need more than a third of fossil fuels and raw materials in the U.S.
-Cattle ranching is the number cause of Amazonian deforestation
-Going Veggie does more to stop Global Warming than switching to a hybrid car
-Vegans save an average of 100 animals a year
Go Veg!
For your health, the planet, and the animals!
-863 animals die every second
-Pigs are smarter than dogs and three year old children
-Piglets are torn away from their mother at just three weeks old
-Once the piglet is ready for slaughter, usually at about 5 months old, their food will be withdrawn leaving them feeling weak, lethargic and cold.
-Vegans live an average 6-10 years longer than a meat eater
-A meat eaters risk of developing heart disease is 50% higher than a veg{etari}ans
-Animals are fed drugs so they can grow bigger
-In every package of chickens there’s a little bit of poop
-They flavor McDonalds french fries with meat juice
-Animals like cows are kept in dark, filthy rooms then they are taken in a metal truck, which usually makes the cows sick, and then they are killed in the slaughterhouse consciously.
-Birds and chickens are kept in small cages. The great majority of all "layers" are kept in battery cages. Usually 5 hens have to share a cage measuring 18 by 20 inches.
-They are also de-beaked with a hot blade so they don’t peck the other animals to death
-Cows have their horns sliced off; they are branded, which causes excruciating third-degree burns; and males are castrated. This is all done without any painkillers.
-When cows are done making milk they are killed
-Pigs-farmers cut off a pigs tail so the other pigs tail don’t bite it off due to the fact of the small space
-When chickens are done laying eggs they are also suffocated in plastic bags
-Male chickens are gassed, suffocated in a bag, or ground up alive because they don’t lay eggs when they grow up.
-Eating one hamburger uses enough energy to drive a small car 20 miles and take 17 showers
-More than half of the water consumed in the U.S. is used to raise livestock
-Cows are excellent mothers
-Sheep can recognize other sheep’s faces and human faces as well
-Goats are very curious and playful, have individual personalities and capable of great affection and loyalty
-Goat’s intelligence is comparable to that of pigs and dogs
-If you give an apple or a small ball to a group of turkeys they'll play with it
-Fish grow underwater algae gardens
-Hens and their babies communicate even while the chick is still in the egg
-A cow must be pregnant in order to give milk... they are artificially inseminated and confined in one stall where they have to stand in their own urine and feces
-Cows are separated from their moms within 24 hours of birth
-To get milk out of cows farmers use electrical machines and usually the cows bleed and pus comes out so that’s usually that’s what your drinking
-The U.S has the highest upper limit of milk pus concentration in the world
-Mad cow disease is in the United States
-Fishing hurts. Imagine a hook is stuck through your lips and you are being pulled up rapidly.... Pain right?
-Raising animals for food need more than a third of fossil fuels and raw materials in the U.S.
-Cattle ranching is the number cause of Amazonian deforestation
-Going Veggie does more to stop Global Warming than switching to a hybrid car
-Vegans save an average of 100 animals a year
Go Veg!
For your health, the planet, and the animals!